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Text File | 1992-10-28 | 22.3 KB | 493 lines | [TEXT/QED1] |
- ***CHANGE HISTORY IS LISTED FROM OLDEST TO NEWEST! If you are joining late, start
- at the bottom and work your way up! (just like real life!)
- Mansion change history - Mark Toland
- IMPORTANT: If you haven't been using all the beta versions, be sure to read all of this history
- file closely (Most importantly - Version 8.2x Beta 2). There have been a couple of changes
- listed here that you need to know about to update to the current version (simple changes).
- •••••••••••••
- Ok folks, we are approaching the final countdown. I'd like to take care of anything we run
- into in this version within the next 1+ weeks and then release. Please make notes on anything
- you run into and get them to me.
- You have to admit, we have gone through a LOT of changes and improvements in the last
- two months!!!!
- Current status:
- Manual is being updated now.
- An installer disk is being created to make things easier for new sysops.
- 2 people are looking into the Zmodem code. (I have no timeline for this)
- ---
- Nine!.1.1 (Dial 911)
- • You can turn off the Last 5 callers display. Just create a text file (anything or nothing
- can be in it), name it "NoLast5" (no quotes) and place it in your MPrefs folder.
- This, and other things will be added to the Mansion Editor in the future.
- • Page Command. "Q" works. This command is now an on/off toggle. Use it once to page,
- again to turn it off, again to page, etc...
- A nice message to the user is displayed explaining the on/off toggle.
- ---
- Nine!.1.0
- • Fixed the modified browse (brief) to work with old Mansion 6.x directories.
- ---
- Nine!.0.9 beta
- • There should be no reason for this to be a beta except I got an error 170 once. There
- is NO such error!!!!!!!!!!!! So I called it beta and that means YOU keep a copy of your current
- version. Joy!
- (Am still waiting for the DOCS!@! Everyone send hatemail to Jim P. :-)
- • Browse command.
- Added the pause, resume, abort message automatically.
- Fixed the brief display so it works with CDRom utility created directories.
- (checks for the word "Byte" in the 3rd line.
- • Added a Clock when Mansion is waiting for a call.
- • Added "Oooo" when you use the fast logon.
- • Changed the memory again. Check to see if yer DAs work properly.
- ---
- Nine!.0.7
- •Added Brief Browse command to file areas. No changes are needed, just try the Browse
- command. (Thanks Jim C.!)
- ---
- Nine!.0.6a
- •Global scan now has a quit option.
- ---
- Nine.0.6
- •Changed pause/resume/continue back to control-s and control-q
- ---
- Nine!.0.5
- •New modem and display routines.
- •GN scan changes: When doing a gn scan and you reach an area with no new messages,
- you no longer get the prompt to press return to continue. This is done automatically.
- •New location text added for gn post prompt.
- ---
- Nine!14400 alpha
- •?Support for 14,400 connects. Mansion should recognize 14400 connects now. I don't
- have a 14400 modem so I haven't tested it. If anyone wants to give me a 14400 modem,
- I'll test it myself. There is no setting in the editor for 14400 so use the 19200 setting
- and Mansion will cycle through. This version will only check for the Connect 14400 message
- and not for anything after that message (the same way Mansion has always worked at
- other speeds). Needless to say, your feedback is needed on this. I've done no further work
- with port locking yet.
- ---
- Nine!.0.3
- How about this, up to .0.3 and haven't got the manuals done yet!
- •Users can't upload a file named Free! (argh!)
- •Message is displayed when user downloads from a free area.
- •Fixed the double word when user tries to upload a file named free.
- ---
- Nine!.0.2
- •Any file sections you select can be "Free"
- Meaning... that any area you set up as a free area, the downloads the user makes from this
- area aren't charged to them. Their download counter isn't incremented.
- All you need to do is create a file named "Free" (no quotes) in any directory you want this
- feature to occur in. The file can be a text file, anything or nothing can be in it, it just must
- be named Free.
- This option is great for sysops that have ratios for downloading but have an area for
- new users to get the files they need to make them "go". Thus, they can download these
- from a Free area and not have them count against their download ratio.
- ---
- Nine!.0.1
- •New Command!
- New command to let users initiate their Global New Read (GN) scan from any menu prompt.
- The command number is 51 and this command requires a Reference number.
- The Reference number is the number of the board you want the users GN scan to start on.
- You will probably want to make this be your main local board or BBS news board or
- some msg area that you want everyone to read or be involved in.
- ---
- Nine!b
- •Logoff-update message pointer prompt -- defaults to Y when RETURN is pressed.
- •New message scan for ALL areas displays Marked/Not Marked
- •"S" (for local) and Control-S (remote) now can be used to restart text that
- has been stopped by an "S" (local) or Control-S (remote). You can still use
- Q / Control-Q OR S / Control-S. This makes it easier for callers that get
- stuck. Also lets you toggle pause/resume by using the same key.
- ---
- Nine!a
- •Modem buffer clearing routines polished
- •Handle is displayed on last 5 callers rather than real name
- ---
- Nine!
- •Fixed/removed the box charactor shown in the editor during preview
- •Copyright
- •Debugging code and resources removed
- •Extra resources removed
- •Mansion editor flag fixed/removed
- •All Resources refreshed and verified
- •SoftPolish tested
- ---
- Version Nine!(tt)
- •Real name is displayed.
- •Handle is also displayed.
- •Speedup between menu selections.
- •Trimed memory usage -- Min of 750k, 950k perferred - you can lower the 950k probably
- as low as 750k-800k if you need to - 950k is a little overkill but keep it unless you need
- more memory space.
- •I left the heap, data, and stack as the last version was. I haven't had any trouble.
- Let me know if you do!
- •Still some debugging code left in (about 20K). Will remove soon.
- Talk to me! Good or bad feedback!
- ---
- Version Nine!(q)
- Still doing cleanup work and memory adjusting. Be SURE to let me know about any problems
- you are having so I can get them taken care of.
- As soon as the installer disks and manuals are ready, I'll get them to those of you that have
- requested them so you can make them available.
- •A lot of memory management changes. You shouldn't drop below 6000bytes of Data space
- under system 6 or 7. Watch this closely. I've had no problems but...
- •Last five callers displays city/state info.
- •Downloading -- user is shown the information on the file to be downloaded after selection.
- •Click
- •About Box
- ---
- Version NINE(K)
- Didn't I say just a while back... NO NEW FEATURES!? Oh well. But I MUST slow down, as
- I'm spending way too much time on this thing!
- •New Computer types file (see last version info)
- •Cursor is now CLEAN
- •Last 5 users are displayed automagically (will have an on/off option in the future)
- •Improved protection levels (I don't think anyone really tested this lately without a reg file)
- •Still problems with launching mansion editor from an idle mansion. seems to work
- sometimes. So don't play with it! I'll work on it. I ment to dissable it!
- •Real name is displayed to sysop rather than Handle
- •Oh Boy! Some additional caller stats are now displayed to the sysop.
- ---
- Version Ninefc3h
- • Time Comp for posting. After installing, log on and go to a message are and post a message and save it.
- You will see a new line telling that you have been compensated 3 minutes for posting.
- If you want a value other than 3, open the MinsComp file, located in the MPrefs folder,
- and change the value to what you want.
- • Even more memory management for different hardware systems.
- • More internal support for accellerators.
- • Hurricane cursor.
- • New Terminals and Terminal Menu files. Replace your existing ones.
- (Terminals in Mansion Data folder, Terminal Menu in text folder)
- ---
- Version Ninefc3g
- Mansion requires a Mansion Reg file now!
- REG FILE TO SAY - EXP: Mansion Registered to : Jim Creighton -- SEA/MAC BBS
- Version numbers are in the format: Nine fc3d - don't want to go beyond fc3 so will append
- letters for updated versions.
- I have a list of other features that I will implement soon but possibly not before release.
- It all depends on how many changes are required in this version.
- Things to watch for:
- These seem to be where the latest major changes have been and are things we need to make
- sure are working properly.
- memory usage
- modem initialization (several clean-ups and changes here)
- errors! Argh!
- "Box" charactors showing up in different places.
- these are simply places that I've missed when converting over to the
- new, fast text out routines. They indicate a RETURN and although the
- usually look correct on the callers side, they appear as a 'box' on th
- sysop side.
- New registration stuff and displays
- Visitor logon stuff
- Version Nine fc3d:
- ••• Before testing with this version, BACK UP YOUR USER FILES -
- (Users, User prefs, and user board prefs)! I have had no problems at all BUT
- I don't want anyone to take any chances! Please follow this advise!!!!!!
- •General cleaning up and text changes.
- •All string resources are now set as purgable for memory management.
- •New user questions strings are marked as Required. (look for future changes to visitors)
- •Extra char when new user gets the "Remember user number and password" line removed.
- •Changed/increased internal Stack and Heap amounts
- •Took out all (I think) hard coded pathways. Using your Mansion defaults.
- •Visitors can edit their answers they have given to the required questions.
- •Fixed the extra chars in the text editor when replacing -- "Line Reads: "
- •Changed and cleaned modem routines.
- •Mansion Logo display changes (see also notes in v8.99*)
- At logon, Mansion now has 3 choices of what it will display as the Mansion Logo file
- All these file reside in the Mansion Data:Text folder
- 1- DAY-If a file named Mansion Logo MM/DD (space - 2 digit month - / - 2 digit day)
- and the month/day match the current month/day, this will be displayed.
- Allows you to set up a Logo file for any special dates in the year.
- 2-MONTH-If #1 is not found, Mansion will check to see if there is a
- file named Mansion Logo MM where "MM" is a 2 digit month number.
- This will be displayed if it exists and the #1 example is not found.
- Allows you to set up a new Logo file for each month.
- 3-If neither #1 or #2 are found, the standard Mansion Logo file is displayed.
- •Mansion Reg file: Mansion now requires a Reg file.
- NOTE: Testing without the Reg file will NOT harm your user files. Restrictions are within the
- code itself.
- Place this file in the Mansion Data folder and name it "Mansion Reg" (no quotes).
- Without the Reg file:
- only users #1 and #2 can log on and can only use their user
- number to log on (no names)
- A 'not registered' message is displayed at various points
- With a fake Reg file, you will either get the not registered message or
- a crash! due to an overflow error. Nice eh?
- With the Reg file everything should act as usual.
- Whew!
- ---
- Version 8.99*
- •The prompt for If you want to log-off after transfer has been shortened to look nice.
- A "?" option has been added to this prompt. You must have a text file named "Fastoff"
- in the Help folder in order for help to be displayed. I include a sample file.
- •Now you can have a different Mansion Logo file for any special days of the year you wish.
- (You could have one for every day of the year but that's a lot of files!)
- At, logon, Mansion checks to see if there is a file in the Text folder named
- "Mansion Logo MM-DD" = Mansion Logo - space - 2 digit month # - dash - 2 digit date #
- If there is, Mansion will display this file. If not, Mansion will display the "Mansion Logo" file.
- This can be pretty handy for holidays or any other event you might want to note in the logon file,
- Mansion logo.
- ---
- Version 8.98!
- •Fixed 'download after transfer' in email and script file areas
- ---
- Version 8.96b-8.97b
- Changed : #115 = Global search thru all file sections.
- This command now REQUIRES a Reference number in the menu command
- The reference number must be the reference # in your Mansion Data
- file for the line that contains the pathway for your Mansion Scan file.
- If your ref number in Mansion Data is (for example) 112, the menu command would be
- as follows:
- ...|115|112|
- In previous beta versions this was a hard coded pathway, now it's not.
- See my example in the Menu 15 file.
- •New Command! #116 = Search for files uploaded in all libraries since a certain date.
- This command prompts the caller to enter a date to search from, then all
- files are displayed that were uploaded since that date.
- This command also requires a reference number pointing to the line in your
- Mansion Data file that contains the pathway to your Mansion Scan file.
- If your ref number in Mansion Data is (for example) 112, the menu command would be
- as follows:
- ...|116|112|
- See my example in the Menu 15 file.
- ---
- Version 8.93b - 8.95b
- •Fixed last remaining wierd char in the visitor log-on text. (only a local anomily)
- •New uploads scan is now using the fast text routines for speed
- •No 'Press Return' is needed after a download now
- •Caller is now prompted as to whether the want to 'auto Logoff' after a download is completed!
- •New Command!
- #85
- Format = |085|000|
- This command lets the caller log off fast, without asking if they want to update
- the message pointers. Message pointers are not updated when this is used.
- •Started work on the 'search for new files since xxx date. Not completed yet but soon.
- ---
- Version 8.92b
- •Added ability for Administrator to assign selected conferences as ALWAYS being Marked.
- This allows you to assign boards of special interest to all users' marked board list.
- I use it to mark my main, local conferences and if I add a new conference that I want activity
- in, I add it to the required conference list.
- It's also great for new users. They will automatically have these boards marked for them
- the without having to go through and do it them selfs. They can use the GN and NB commands
- as soon as they are validated!
- This feature is OPTIONAL. If you don't set anything up, Mansion will run normally.
- Setup:
- 1 Make a list of any conference NUMBERS that you want required
- You can use the conference edit command (084) to see the conference numbers easily.
- 2 Create a text file. Name it "RequiredMarked" (without the quotes).
- This text file MUST be located in your Mansion Data folder.
- Each line of this text file must contain A conference number of a board you want required.
- After you enter the last number, press Return. The last line of your file must be blank
- with the cursor on the left most side of the line with nothing following it!
- That's all there is to setting it up.
- Tech Info:
- Users can unmark these required boards but the next time they log on, they will again be marked.
- There is a max of 100 required boards. I don't recommend this!!! You should only have 4 or 5
- required boards and let your users decide what else they want.
- I think you will find this to be a very useful feature!
- ---
- Version 8.91b
- •Internal changes for speed.
- ---
- Version 8.90b
- •You can now mark and unmark conferences using the new command #084!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- You will really like this. It's pretty straight forward.
- Security: The conferences displayed are based on the security levels that you have
- set for each message area using Mansion Editor. If you have been leaving your security levels
- at 0 and just controlling 'who can get to where' by the security levels for each menu command,
- you will need to use Mansion Editor to correctly adjust security so people won't be able to
- mark and get to conferences that you don't want them to!
- This is still a beta! I have been using this command without any problems but if you are
- insecure, just back up your three user files. (Users, User prefs, and user board prefs)
- Try this command out! It's something I've wanted since day 1.
- Your users will thank you.
- ---
- Version 8.89
- •NEW COMMAMD available!
- #084
- Menu example = ...|084|000|
- This new command will let the user list all the conferences, showing which ones are
- Marked and unmarked! Soon I'll expand this to let callers edit their marked boards from
- this area.
- •Centered the logoff copyright stuff
- ---
- Version 8.88
- •When user pages the sysop, they are propted to give the reason for the page. They can
- enter the reason or a Q to abort. The page itself acts as it always has except for this prompt.
- When the user gets to any prompt where the PAGE sound is played, the reason is displayed
- to the Sysop, only on the local screen.
- •You can use any combination of ALERT sounds for the actual page command. Mansion looks to
- the system for sounds named ALERT, ALERT 1, or ALERT 2. If all three are installed, they all
- will play.
- ---
- Version 8.87
- •Text centering and case changing.
- •Removed special chars in new user application section
- •Fancied text in window 2 (working on complete change of window 2)
- •When user enters # in msg area they are given message
- ---
- Version 8.86
- •Added /S for instant save in the editor! See the sample editor menu enclosed, you may
- want to edit yours. Enter a /s in the editor and the message is saved without going to the
- editor prompt.
- •Added additional DTR hangup routines.
- •Fixed nasty bug with fast logon and importing mail... I hope! Jim?.????
- ---
- Version 8.85
- • Garbage logoff now sending random charactors. Lots of control chars that only appear
- as boxes on the Sysop side but really look real on the users side. Random seed is seconds since
- midnight.
- • Fixed Reply Email > Preview or List < with quotes. Took out linefeeds and cleaned things up.
- • Changed some text strings.
- • Changed New File Scan so keywords are now displayed along with previous information.
- • Added CheckKey during New File Scan. Control - S and shift control - Q for users - S & Q for
- Sysop side.
- • Mo' Speed
- ---
- Versions 8.76 - 8.84
- • Internal changes
- ---
- Version 8.75x
- • Personal logoff message - only displays Handle if the user has assigned a handle.
- • You can access the Mansion Editor while waiting for a call. When you quit M.E., you will be
- returned to the Finder.
- • *A new command has been added.
- • #115 = Global search thru all file sections.
- CDROM directories are not searched.
- This command REQUIRES that you have created a Mansion Scan file for
- scanning for new uploads. Explained in the manual.
- This command will currently search thru your first 150 directories. This will
- be expanded in the future.
- I have included an example of my main download directory to show the command
- implementation.
- (if your bbs is configured to allow users to do a new file scan, you can use this cmd.)
- ---
- Version 8.7x
- • *A new command has been added. #114 = Search in file directory
- I included a sample menu with this command. #114 can ONLY be used in a Download area.
- The menu command is as follows:
- 1|S|>|-1|114|000| : [S] SEARCH for files :
- Global, by Date, and search and download will be added soon.
- ---
- Version 8.5x Beta 7
- • All Known 'anomolies' have been fixed.
- • Fixed local display for mail listing and new file scan.
- • Added directory for new file scan.
- • Change Copyright.
- Read the script changes for 8.2 before using.
- ---
- Inter-versions were minor fixes.
- ---
- ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
- Version 8.2x Beta 2
- **************IMPORTANT**************
- • Major changes in this version. The TEXTMODEMOUT routines have been completely re-written!
- • Speed increase is dramatic.
- • Local speed is set at 38,400
- • Remote 9600 really looks like 9600 now.
- To update:
- The new textout routines no longer check for a "|" to force a RETURN.
- If you are using the "|" in your scripts, you should replace the "|" with a PRINT
- statement. Your scripts will work without changing them but any "|"s will simply
- be displayed as a "|", not a RETURN.
- Known 'anomolies':
- On the local side - there are a couple of places that don't display correctly. This is ONLY on
- the local screen, they look as they should to the remote caller. Examples are listing email
- waiting for you dosen't display the subject line correctly; when editing a message, do a
- preview and an extra character is displayed. Again, these look fine from the callers
- view. I know what to do to fix these but just haven't had the time yet and some of
- you wanted this speed increase now!
- I had *1* user that had to change his modem settings with this version but he
- had been using WN with Force linefeeds on and TTY emulation. Noone else has
- had to make any changes but I thought I'd mention it in case you run into it.
- Settings should be:
- Modem Settings: 8/n/1 - Don't force linefeeds.
- VT-100 Emulation
- I should be able to have the new version by next weekend.
- ---
- Version 8.1d10
- • Added garbage hangup for 'Jerk' users - Modem Menu - Cmd.-G
- • Added AKA to logoff good-bye
- ---
- Version 8.1d9
- • Minor cosmos changes
- ---
- Version 8.1d8
- • Moved 'Modem out' routines. Don't know for sure how much, if any this will speed up text.
- • GN command - Added user message for 'No New Messages' condition on a conference. Added
- message when GN Scan is started.
- ---
- Version 8.1d7
- • Added a fast logon for sysop!!!!!!!!!
- • Check the Options menu!
- • Memory status (get info) is now correct.
- ---
- Version 8.1d6
- • Added code to the GN Command so scans on conferences with NO messages
- are handled correctly.
- ---
- Version 8.1d5
- • Changed Backgrounding and 32bit to ON
- • Added personal log-off message.
- • Stripped 20k of extra resources.
- • Changed GN command so if user posts a message when prompted on the
- GN cmd., this message is displayed when they hit RTN after posting.
- ---
- Version 8.1d3-4
- • Added a Global new scan to the message areas!
- For Marked Boards.
- ---
- Version 8.097d2
- • Text changes & and additional user messages:
- • Logon & password prompt
- • Real Name warning on message bases
- • Carbon copy
- • Partial library headers
- • Feedback messages
- • Download complete - updating message
- • Message prompt - MB UB NB
- • Logoff - update message count
- ---